Zoysia tenuifolia & landscaping plants, Brisbane, & all of QLD
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Zoysia tenuifolia planting procedure

For spacing information please see the "Spacing page"

Zoysia tenuifolia can be treated like any turf grass when planting.

You will need to clear the area of weeds, and maintain a regular weeding strategy until the grass makes a complete cover.

If the soil is friable, then you can simply till it to a depth of about 150mm. Otherwise a layer of good quality sandy loam topsoil at least 100mm deep should laid to plant the grass in.

Better not to use organic garden mixes as they are quite hydrophobic if they dry out.

Plant the grass down to the level of the potting mix that it is growing in or backfill the surrounds to bring the level up.

Water well once planted. Subsequent waterings will depend on the weather but during Summer it will need to be a good drenching daily until the grass is established.

It is better to water in the morning when the grass can dry out to avoid any disease problems that thrive in continual wet conditions.

Any liquid lawn fertilizer can be used just like any other grass. Best done a week or so after planting.

General planting information for other plants:

  1. While plants are still in pots hold them in a location with similar conditions to the planting location. Ensure they cannot be blown over by the wind, and water well at least once a day. Sometimes additional waterings may be required. 
  2. Dig the hole at least twice the width and twice the depth of the pot and backfill the hole so top of potting mix sits at soil level when the pot is placed in the hole.
  3. Tip the plant out of the pot or cut the pot away if very tight. If roots are curling very tightly around the shape of the pot then three evenly spaced cuts may be made vertically upwards along the outside of the rootball. Use a pair of sizzors for this.
  4. Place the plant in the hole and fill in the remainder of the hole to the level of the potting mix and any excess soil can be used to build up around the plant so that water is cupped and soaks in better.
  5. Spread a controlled release fertilizer such as Osmocote® "Total All Purpose" around the plant on the surface of the soil as per directions on the container and cover with a good layer of mulch. 
  6. Water the plant in well.

Some tips when planting:

  • If drainage is poor, don't dig a hole to fill with good soil as this will just create a basin for water to collect. Instead build up the level of the soil.
  • If adding soil to improve drainage then a good quality sandy loam covered with copious quantities of mulch is often better value for money than garden soil mixes.
  • Many types of mulch are suitable. Sugar cane mulch is cheap, easy to spread and breaks down quickly which is excellent for the soil but needs redoing regularly. Slash pine bark on the other hand is more expensive, but lasts longer and has a more aesthetic appeal. 
  • In hot dry weather plants in full sun should be watered thoroughly once a day for the first month. After that watering regularity will depend on a lot of factors but it is better to water deeply but infrequently so they will spread their roots and become more drought resistent.
  • The best indicator to increase watering regularity is when wilting is noticed on the tips of the branches.

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