Zoysia tenuifolia & landscaping plants, Brisbane, & all of QLD
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Plant information

Tradescantia spathacea 'Variegata':

Other names:  Rhoeo spathacea 'Variegata' | Rhoeo discolor 'Variegata' | Tradescantia discolor 'Variegata' | Tradescantia spathacea 'Stripe Me Pink' | Boatlily | Moses-in-the-cradle | Spiderwort | Succulent
Categories:  Grass, Cane, Monocot, Clumping

Evergreen, hardy perennial with striking variegated pink leaves. Great for low borders or edging, will take very dry conditions.

Average height:0.4M
Average width:0.2M
Planting position:   Full or half sun
Life span:Many years
  • Drought resistant
  • Fast growing
  • Suitable for low borders
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