Zoysia tenuifolia & landscaping plants, Brisbane, & all of QLD
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Plant information

Syzygium australe 'Resilience':

Other names:  Creek Cherry | Lilly Pilly | Watergum | Woolgoolga
Categories:  Australian native, Shrub

Very bushy shrub with light pink new growth. Bears white fluffy flowers in Spring and Summer followed by edible red berries. Great for hedging and screening and is resistant to psyllid attack.

Average height:2.5M
Average width:2.5M
Flower colour:White
Flowering season:   Spring/Summer
Planting position:   Full or half sun
Life span:Several years
  • Bird attracting
  • Fast growing
  • Suitable for feature
  • Suitable for hedging
  • Suitable for shape pruning
  • Suitable for screens
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